Where We Practice

Soho Integrative EMDR is based in Soho, New York City. However, we can cater to individuals nationwide through our HIPAA-compliant video system, provided that licensing regulations permit. Being licensed Clinical Psychologists, we adhere rigorously to licensure laws and only consult with patients situated in the states we're licensed in. Therefore, our ability to assist you depends on your location.

If you reside in one of the states mentioned below, please proceed to schedule with the designated therapists for your area.
New York: Any therapist
Florida: Any therapist
New Jersey: Dr. Rebecca Hoffenberg only
California: Dr. Rebecca Hoffenberg only
Licensing regulations can shift over time, so even if your state isn't listed, there might still be a chance for us to collaborate. If you're unsure about our capacity to assist you based on your location, please reach out to us by calling or sending a text to 646-585-1610.

If you are located in one of the states listed, you're welcome to arrange a complimentary phone consultation or set up an appointment using the link below.